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Riferimenti dell'Annuncio al quale state rispondendo:

Figura Ricercata: Agenti
Settore Merceologico: Dispositivi Medicali
Codice Annuncio: 3257900013

Testo dell'Annuncio al quale si sta rispondendo:

Medizintechnik Behounek GmbH (LABpen® MED)

About the company: Under the brand LABpen® MED, the Austrian company Medizintechnik Behounek GmbH has been developing fully mobile, medical-therapeutic laser devices (low-level laser therapy) for over 20 years.

After selling more than 10,000 devices in German-speaking countries, we are now expanding our distribution network to further EU countries.

About the product: LABpen® MED is the first fully portable, battery-powered low-level laser therapy device in the EU that is fully MDR 2017 and CE certified. Our devices are currently being used successfully by physiotherapists (chronic pain treatment), midwives, dentists, sports physicians, surgeons (post-operative, scar treatment), cupuncture therapists (trigger point), etc.

(LABpen® MED is a class IIa medical device, laser class 3B)

More information about the product and company can also be found on our website:
Candidate Profile: To bring our medical therapy laser devices to the Italian market, we are looking for freelance sales agents, with experience in selling medical devices and ideally a strong existing network in one or more of our main application areas (midwifery, physiotherapy, acupuncture).

Strong acquisition skills and eagerness to learn about low-level laser therapy are required.
Good command in English-language is required, to ensure effective communications with the manufacturer and export managers.

We offer: Between 450 EUR and 1000 EUR per device sold (depending on the product version), sales territory Italy (and potentially other EU countries), training as a medical device consultant (if required, approx. 1 day duration), and ongoing training in the field of low-level laser therapy - with direct access to our knowledge network of leading doctors and therapists.

If you are interested in this opportunity, we look forward to receiving your application, click on the "
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